Make Yourself A Viable Candidate with Your Resume

You may be wondering what it really takes to have your resume to the surface in a candidate search. The answer to that is simple in that most employers are all looking for the same thing. They were all willing to be a part of a survey that was conducted and all of them were willing to list the things that they look for and this is what they recommend to new applicants:

  • Follow application directions. You have to be careful to enter the correct data in the correct field and apply just as you are asked to
  • Ask for help and/or advice on completing the application from anyone that you may know that works there.
  • You will want to custom make your application information to the specific position that you are applying for. Don't copy and paste text from your generic resume.
  • Use special key words, buzz words, and industry lingo. Employers search on key words when they're looking for people to fill specific positions.
  • Create a skills list section on your resume even if the application doesn't actually ask you to. You might put this in a comments section.
  • You are going to want to add numbers and statistics if they are available.
  • Complete all fields even the ones that aren't required.
  • If the company offers an optional assessment test online, take it. They are there for a reason
  • Make sure your resume can stand on its own in a very simple format. Fancy bullets, text, italics etc. do not convert well in an electronic application.
  • If and when it is possible, spell check and grammar check your application before submitting it. You are going to want to have an error-free application because this application serves as the employer's first impression of who you are.
  • You will want to add a strong objective. If it helps you can ask a career counselor to help you word your objective.
  • Make an effort to find another use for the comment section in that you can use it to demonstrate that you've done research on the company and the industry.
  • Use direct quotes whenever you can from letters of recommendation in your resume or cover letter.
  • Always be sure to follow up your electronic application with a personal e-mail to the recruiter. This shows you are serious about getting the job.

As more and more companies are beginning to use modern technology to find new employees quickly and efficiently, you are going to have to find new methods to draw attention to your application. The best way to do this is to be precise and direct in your approach. That is the best thing that you can do.

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